Saturday, 12 January 2019

Nestle believes, Maggi in lead, know its loss...

The maggi, which is eaten by the all over the country has again increased the difficulty. Maggie noodles, which are easily made in minutes, have been declared as harmful to health. Now the Supreme Court has approved the government for action in connection with the founding of lead in this noodle product of Nestle India. The government has demanded a loss of 640 crores, accusing Nessle of unfair and misleading publicity. The more presentable lead than Maggi may prove to be harmful to you and your children, it has a great effect on the brain.
What was the whole case?

The Indian Food Safety and Standards Authority (FSSAI) banned Nestle's popular noodle brand Maggi, due to a lead found in more than a certain limit in June 2015. After this the company had to withdraw its products from the market and after this the government had moved to NCDRC. But Nestle India objected to this complaint by the government and its lawyers had said that there is no lead (lead) more than the fixed standard in Maggi.

Then the Supreme Court had banned the hearing on behalf of NSDRC. However, during this period Maggi had a huge protest across the country. Slowly Nestle again took consumers into confidence, but now the lawyers have convinced that Maggi had more lead than needed at the time.

How many lead in Maggi

In Maggi, the quantity of lead should be from 0.01 to 2.5 ppm whereas in 2015, the amount of lead in Maggi was 17.2 ppm. After which its sale was banned.

Damage from eating more lead

According to the rules of food safety, if the lead and monosodium glutamate (MSG) is used in the product then it is mandatory to mention it on the package according to the rules of food safety.

These chemicals are very fatal to the body. Let's know the losses caused by these.

Burning in the face, head or neck from MSG

Skin allergy

Hand and foot weakness

Headache abdominal problems
Kidney failure

Obstruction of child development

Nerve damage

Indigestion problem

Doctors say that by taking excessive amount of lead, the person may have neurological problems, the problem of blood circulation can be a problem of kidney failure.

Children and pregnant women stay away

Using a slight amount of lead is affected by your Tantric system. Therefore, it is advisable to stop the children and pregnant women from coming in contact.