Tuesday, 12 February 2019

To clean the skin, how to make the potato face pack...

Potato face pack

Potato seems like an unusual ingredient to make the face pack, but do not underestimate this vegetable containing vitamins and minerals. You already know that potato juice can reduce the dark circles and reduce inflammation around the eyes, but do you know that it also helps to clean the skin and remove stains? may be used Potato is a rich source of iron, vitamin C and riboflavin. Raw potato juice provides anti-aging benefits as well as bringing in tension in the pores. Another good news for people troubled by acne is that regular use of it helps in reducing acne, preventing scorching, and removing the marks of earlier ones. Apart from this, it also has another important beauty benefit; Yes, potato juice is a natural bleaching agent, removing the sunburn tan from your skin, it enhances your color. Let us take a look at various face packs made from potatoes through this slide show.
Face pack of potato tissue

Remove the juice of half-peeling potato, in it, press the drop of the Tissue tablet and mix it in the juice, now leave the tissue to spread the absorption of potato juice, now take the tissue out and apply it on your face, Before washing it leave it for 20 minutes, but keep in mind that avoid using this tissue paper around your eye or nose, do this remedy twice a week, you will get acclimatized soon.

Face pack of potatoes and eggs

Applying the face pack of potatoes and eggs, your facial pores get tightening. Mix half an potato juice with an egg white in it. Mix both well then apply on face and neck. Wash it well after 20 minutes.

Face packs of potatoes and turmeric

Regular use of the potato and turmeric face pack makes skin tone and color lighter. Grind half potatoes and mix a pinch of cosmetic turmeric in it. Then put it on the face and neck and clean it after half an hour.

Face pack of potato and multani mitti

These face packs glow your skin again, bringing your skin up again, as well as it is very helpful in reducing swelling of acne skin. To make this face pack make a paste Without peeling potatoes Grind half potatoes and mix a pinch of cosmetic turmeric in it. Add 3 to 4 spoons of multani mitti and some dried rose water in it. Put this paste on your face and neck and wash it after 30 minutes. By applying this face pack for a few days, you will find glowing skin.
Face pack made of potatoes and milk

This pack definitely works as a grow brightness of your face. Sprinkle half the potato and take out its juice and add two spoons of raw milk. Mix it well and then apply with the help of cotton in your face and neck. Then wash it after 20 minutes. Three times a week apply you will start seeing the difference in your face within a few days.