Sunday, 31 March 2019

Make aloe vera soap at home, get beautiful and healthy skin...

Aloe vera is very beneficial for the skin. Aloe vera gel and juice are used in all types of beauty products. If you use soap made from aloe vera daily, your skin will always be beautiful and healthy. Using aloe vera, you can also bring the clean out in your skin. The special thing is that you can make this soap of aloe vera easily at home. There are many types of harmful chemicals in the market soaps, so use aloe vera soap made from your own hands at home so that your skin is always blooming.

Materials for making aloe vera soap

250 ml water

750 ml olive oil

110 grams aloe vera gel (better if fresh)

110ml Caustic soda

10-12 Droplet Essential Oil (which you like)

How to make aloe vera soap ?

To make aloe vera soap, first heat the water by adding it to a pan.

When the water is boiling, turn off the gas and allow the water to cool.

Now add caustic soda in the water and leave this mixture for 1 hour.

Now heat olive oil and mix it in this mixture.

Keep stirring this mixture till it becomes a bit thicker.

Now if you have Aloe vera gel then fine, otherwise the aloe vera pulp

Remove and blend and make gel.

Mix aloe vera gel and essential oil into this mixture.

Now take it out in a mold or tray and let it solidify.

By cutting soap, you can also shape your favorite shape.

Your homemade aloe vera soap is ready.
Why is Aloe Vera Soap Beneficial

This aloe vera soap is beneficial for the skin as harmful elements have not been mixed and purely made at home. Aloe vera works like a fine moisturizer for the skin. This makes your skin beautiful and glowing by removing facial scars, acne, wrinkles and woof. Continuous use gradually increases skin lightening. Apart from this, these soaps made from aloe vera also work on sunscreen for your skin, because the Aloe vera protects against skin damage due to sunburn and ultraviolet rays.