Thursday 6 June 2019

Benefits of sattu...

There are many benefits of sattu like controls high blood pressure, sugar and obesity.

Sattu is considered beneficial for health. By taking Sattu in the summer it is helpful in reducing body temperature as well as reducing diabetes, cholesterol and weight.

Sattu food is considered to be beneficial due to health due to many reasons. This gives the body many essential nutrients. Sattu, made by grinding barley and gram is considered more nutritious. This vitamin is a good source of protein. In addition, sattu receives energy from body. In Sattu, elements like carbohydrates, iron, calcium, protein, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, copper and zinc are found. Sattu is also called summer and energy drink. In summer, it is helpful in normalizing body temperature and giving energy. Apart from this, there are many health related benefits, including reducing high blood pressure and controlling sugar levels.

Let's come know what benefits of sattu

In digestive problems

Sattu can be consumed in many ways, if you want, make its energy drink or bread it is beneficial for your health in both ways. Stomach and digestive problems can be overcome by eating sattu. Sattu helps in removing the stomach's heat by bringing the body cool down. It is beneficial to remove constipation, indigestion, bad digestion, flatulence, peptic ulcer and acidity problems.

To remove obesity

Sattu intake also helps in controlling weight and removing obesity. If you want, then sattu can drink 2 or 3 teaspoons of sattu in a glass of water and drink it twice a day. This will help you lose weight in a healthy way.

Sattu for skin

Along with health Sattu is also beneficial for your skin and hair. By drinking Sattu Drink Daily, it helps to hydrate your skin and create new cells. Apart from this, you can also put sattu body scrub on your skin. For this, make a body scrub in your sattu by mixing one spoon gram flour, dry orange peel powder 1 teaspoon, 1 teaspoon turmeric, and 1 teaspoon sandal, and rose water and apply on your face. After 20 minutes wash the face, your skin will sprout.

Control high blood pressure and sugar level

Sattu is elixir for patients with high blood pressure, and sugar. Keeping control of this sugar level protects your heart from diseases. Bread made from sattu is beneficial in controlling diabetes, heart disease, cholesterol and high blood pressure. Apart from this, it is also considered beneficial for urination burn and kidney stones.

These are all benefits of sattu.